
Healthy Brain to live better for longer.

So I was reading about dementia and how to prevent it. In case you’re wondering why it’s because my mother and my uncle, (her brother) both had dementia. They both died of dementia and other diseases. When you live through this then you realize how devastating it can be to a family. When my mother […]


Gambling versus Risk

What are the odds? In tech we often play the odds. We have to because it’s how we move ahead so quickly. Sure, crazy things happen but we usually can predict them. There is a story about Monte Carlo in 1913 where the roulette table had the ball land on black 20 times in a […]


Serendipity in tech, not always good.

So many Mikes. Intel and AMD had a feud partially because of the mistaken Mikes. I was reading a story that brought back memories, I think you’ll like it. The reason it rang true with me was because when Nokia first took over Alcatel-Lucent, I worked with 7 Mikes. Yes, literally 7 guys named Mike […]


It’s hard to beat a bad habit, but building momentum can be fun.

I wondered why it’s so hard to create habits, at least habits that are good for you. It seems like bad habits just happen. Even if we don’t know how we got the bad habit, it didn’t just happen. Like snacking at night, before bed, why do some people do that? I used to do […]


Sunk cost making you stay…

Have you ever heard of sunk costs? Sometimes it means money but often it is your time. First, what is the sunk cost? It’s when you already put a lot of money or time into something that it’s hard to walk away and cut your losses. Investors have this problem when they go in heavy […]


Telephones, 95 years ago….

I got this link off a friend’s site the other day, it’s basically a print of a magazine published in 1928 called Telephony, the American Telephone Journal. Doug’s site is here. Doug talks about what’s in the magazine, it’s pretty cool. I thought it was fun to look at and think how much telephones have […]


Doing the right thing……

Did you ever try to do the right thing only to have it blow up in your face? Yeah, I am sure you have. It happens to me more than I would like it too. I often think I’m helping but sometimes I just look stupid. I have done things only to walk back and […]


Why do you believe?

Do you believe? Why? Is it faith? What do you believe in? Who do you believe? Who can you trust? I know what you’re thinking, this is a religious note. Well, it could be. But I see so much going on in the world today that I feel lost. I don’t know what to believe, […]


What is Failure?

Failure  hurts, but if we fail and try again, is it truly failure? When should you give up and pivot? Do you know what sucks, when someone says, “yeah, he tried that and he failed. That taught him a lesson.” I think we have to try and learn.  I think people that fail only fail […]


Stress is a Factor

I talk to a lot of people in the tech industry and now is a rough time. I know you probably hear all the stories of all the successful people out there. We love to listen to the Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates stories of success. Maybe Steve Jobs, the rebel is more your style.  […]