
Worry about what Matters

Did you ever read an article or hear a story on the news and get fired up, even though it has nothing to do with you, your family, or even anyone you know? I have, over and over again. It’s embarrassing when I look back. How crazy is it we can just see the news for what it is, entertainment and information.

We need to look at the news and filter. Does this have anything to do with me or my community? Don’t get me wrong, some news is very sad and even horrible, but it’s information for us to learn about the world. Does it really affect you?

Maybe it does, but maybe it’s just a distraction.

I don’t blame most reporters, after all, it’s their job to get your attention.

So I won’t say don’t watch this stuff, I mean it is entertainment. What I am trying to do is separate what matters to what doesn’t. If it doesn’t matter, then I am not going to let it affect me. 

There are so many wars going on now, along with elections, and then we have the weather. How  much of that is in your control? No one really cares what I think about the wars and I can’t control the weather. However, I can vote, so maybe that is something I need to pay attention to.

If I were a military man, then I would worry about the wars because the US has already deployed forces in those areas. So if I had family in the service, I would be concerned about that. 

As for the weather, if I had plans, that would be an issue, but I don’t, not really.

So here I am, happy as a clam because I didn’t let the news get me down. 

How about you, how do you feel today? What do you believe? You should ask yourself that everyday.

Along with:

  • What matters to me today? 
  • What do I believe? 
  • Why will it matter to me?
  • How will this affect me, my family, or my community?

Then worry about what matters. Keep your truth filter on, because some headlines just want your attention, so be careful what you believe. Opinions and blogs, like this one, are often opinions. 

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