
Are you too Skeptical?

Don’t feel bad, today’s news and updates make all of us skeptical of anything we hear or read. While this sounds like I am talking politics, as I read different news, health updates, and even my tech papers, I realize there is a lot of crap mixed in with facts. 

I read whitepapers, which used to be technical and factual, but now they’ve become a sales pitch because writers can get sponsors. If you sponsor a paper then you expect that paper to promote the features you’re selling. In tech, this is confusing to the point I have to see if someone sponsored the paper so I can evaluate how much of it is real.

It’s the same with health. I am learning that the government allows chemical and food conglomerates to define what is good for us and what is not. I hate that because I expect to eat safe food. Today, at least in the USA, nothing could be farther from the truth. Sucrose is in nearly everything and getting ingredients that are safe for us over the long term is nearly impossible. Our food seems to be causing every disease from cancer to dementia, thank you food companies. Bloody hell, the very companies we trust are literally killing us softly.

So today, it’s OK to be very skeptical. Unfortunately, it’s hard to find safe food and honest tech papers. Forget politics, it’s all the other bullshit that is driving all of us to an early grave and most people don’t even know it. 

Be skeptical, question everything, and verify from an honest source, not from a sponsored source. It matters!

I would say you’re not skeptical enough. Be skeptical!! 


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