
Goodbye 2023

It’s time to put 2023 behind us, and not a minute too soon. In my industry, it’s been a tough year. Actually, 2024 doesn’t look much better, but I am optimistic. I always think things will get better, even if it’s a great year.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe in risk and prepare for problems. But I prefer to think the best while being prepared for the worst.

I am reading “Mediations” by Marcus Aurelius, and also saw this quote in Ryan Holiday’s book, “The Daily Stoic“. I came upon this quote, which talks about doing it. Taking action, at least that was my interpretation.

I am putting a book together and I spend way too much time researching. I often have to ask myself if I am wasting my time researching something I already know. I talked to my wife about it and I realized that back when I was in the tower climbing industry, everyone questioned me. They would never research anything, just tell me I’m wrong. This is why I try to research things before I put them in print unless they are my opinion.

Why bring this up before the quote? So, you know my state of mind. I spend a lot of time learning and researching but at some point, I have to practice what I learn and then use it. Using it by making some things a habit, teaching, or even making it a part of my life to see how it serves me. It might be a waste of time, but how do I know if I don’t try?

There are exceptions, like I wouldn’t play Russian Roulette because the risk is too high, my life is more valuable, to me anyway.

Now, the quote from Marcus Aurelius, “Stop wandering about! You aren’t likely to read your own notebooks, or ancient histories, or the anthologies you’ve collected to enjoy in your old age. Get busy with life’s purpose, toss aside empty hopes, get active in your own rescue – if you care about yourself at all – and do it while you can.

be safe this evening, please, and make 2024 better in some way than 2023 was.

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