
Look at what’s hard today

Did you ever look back and wonder how you made it through the past? I do. Even with that, I still find some things hard today, even though they’re really not. It just seems hard because we’re always doing something new. 

New can be frustrating. It’s like doing your taxes every year, they are never the same, at least it feels that way. Things change especially when doing something like that. 

To be honest, life is easier now. I mean I went from being a VP and director to climbing towers for years. Then I was a manager again. Life is definitely easier now that I do less physical work and work from home.

Life is good, yet I still have obstacles. I mean, I could get laid off due to market conditions, I could say something stupid that exposes me, or I could try to help someone only to have them hate me for it. 

These are easy problems to solve from the outside, yet, when it’s you doing it, it can be hard.

I feel lucky all the same heading into retirement. I hope to be working 10 more years, right up until I’m 70, maybe longer if I can. However, I like options. To have the option to retire and afford my lifestyle is suddenly very important to me. 

Also, in the States they constantly talk about cutting into Social Security benefits. While this doesn’t seem like a big deal to the younger generation  but to me, I expect to get paid back from a service I paid into since I was a teenager working. If I paid in, I did it expecting something in return. Anyway, that is really out of my control. 

What I have to worry about is what I can control today. I have my job performance which I try to do well. I have family and friends counting on me, I try to continue to keep that reputation going. I also have my hobbies, like working out and writing. 

I still have distractions that make me lazy. I just get tired sometimes. I watch too many videos. I don’t read or write enough. I don’t keep in touch with my old friends enough. These are some of my faults that I address when I can. If you ask my wife, she can list off many more.

So what is it you’re looking at today? One thing I am trying to do is address each problem at a given time. One at a time and do what I can. Some problems take more time and research than others. I wish they could all be solved on the spot, but that isn’t the case, especially not today. Some things take a lot of time.

So if you take away one thing from my ramblings, worry about what you can control and then do something about it. 

Try to let go of what you can’t control. Government is always going to do what they want to do, all you can do is vote, for example.

Do what you can with what you got where you are.

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