
The Battle of Habits: Good vs. Bad

Can you win a battle with bad habits?

1. Identifying Bad Habits

Recognizing our bad habits is the first step toward change. You’ve already pinpointed yours — those moments when cravings for unhealthy food strike, especially when you’re out or faced with a menu. It’s like a tug-of-war between your desire for immediate gratification and your long-term well-being.

2. Banishing Junk Food from Home

Removing junk food from your house was a smart move. By altering your environment, you’ve made it harder to give in to those cravings. But as you’ve experienced, the mind can be quite persuasive when it comes to justifying indulgence.

3. The Temptation Outside

When you’re out and about, the siren call of unhealthy options can be irresistible. It’s as if the menu is daring you to choose the most decadent dish. But remember, every choice is an opportunity to reinforce good habits. Opt for the healthier options, even if it feels like a battle.

4. Building Good Habits

Building good habits requires practice and repetition. You’ve wisely focused on eating well at home. Availability matters — when nutritious food is all you have, it becomes your default choice. Keep that mindset when dining out, too.

5. The Daily Exercise Challenge

Exercise is a lifestyle shift that demands commitment. Your upbringing on the farm laid the groundwork for discipline. Early mornings, chores, and school taught you consistency. Even when you let yourself go, that mirror served as a wake-up call — a reminder of your potential.

6. The Gym Ritual

Your daily gym routine is a testament to your dedication. Coffee, emails, and planning are mere preludes to the main event: physical activity. Whether it’s the gym or a walk in the park, you’ve ingrained this habit into your life. Cherish this privilege — it’s a gift to prioritize your health.

7. The Ripple Effect

Remember, your good habits don’t exist in isolation. They ripple outward, affecting other areas of your life. Your commitment to exercise impacts your energy, mood, and overall well-being. It’s a positive feedback loop that fuels your journey.


So, keep waking up, sipping that coffee, and heading to the gym. Your farm roots have blossomed into a lifestyle of health and vitality. And as you continue this journey, know that each small choice — whether at home or on a menu — shapes your path. You’re not just exercising; you’re cultivating resilience, discipline, and a better version of yourself.

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