
Are you missing the main thing, your goals?

The Eisenhower Matrix, a time management tool that categorizes tasks into four quadrants based on urgency and importance.
Helping us prioritize and focus on what truly matters.
Emphasizing the importance of distinguishing between tasks that seem urgent but may not be important for personal growth, and those that are important but not necessarily urgent.
Our guide to align daily actions with long-term goals, encouraging reflection on how activities contribute to these objectives.
Advocating a mindful approach to life, where one’s efforts are directed towards meaningful pursuits that resonate with personal values and aspirations.


It’s OK to tell someone you love them!

Reflecting on the past, I’ve learned the importance of expressing feelings and prioritizing relationships over material pursuits. My brother-in-law, a cherished yet unconventional figure in my life, taught me that embracing and forgiving the quirks of those we love enriches our lives. His passing reminded me that open communication and forgiveness are vital, as they leave us with treasured memories and a sense of peace. It’s a lesson in valuing the genuine connections we share with others, regardless of their imperfections.


Are you intentional or feeling lost and overwhelmed?

Life’s unpredictability often leaves us feeling directionless or overwhelmed. As we age, we recognize the importance of living intentionally, distinguishing between rest and idleness, and understanding the value of recharging both physically and mentally. It’s crucial to make decisions based on personal reflection rather than external influences, and to appreciate our inherent worthwhile considering the impact of our actions on our own lives and goals.


Keep going, quit, or let go?

Sometimes, you just have to move on and find something new.


Keep helping others when possible.

Unfortunately, many people get so caught up their own lives that they forget to help others. This can be a problem for a lot of reasons.
Find people who appreciate you for being you and all that you do!


Do you take time to reflect?

As time passes, reflection becomes a more integral part of life, offering clarity on past decisions and actions. This introspection reveals understanding of parental choices and historical leadership decisions, even as it contemplates the rise and fall of American interest in space exploration versus the constant engagement in warfare. While acknowledging missed opportunities for personal relationship repair, the focus shifts to living in the present and planning for a better future. The article advises embracing reflection and preparation, not just for life’s expected turns but also for the unforeseen, much like financial planning, but for emotional well-being.


Are you sleepwalking through life?

Realizing you’re sleepwalking through life can be a startling wake-up call, prompting a reevaluation of your direction and the need for change. True transformation requires altering ingrained habits and actively pursuing goals, rather than waiting for change to occur.
While some opportunities should be seized immediately, others demand careful consideration to avoid exploitation. Trusting your intuition, planning for the future, and weighing the pros and cons of potential risks are crucial steps in breaking free from life’s monotonous cycle and achieving personal growth.

Wade Sarver

Not Designed as Expected

Not designed as expected!
Do you have too many processes in your life that are NOT service you?
Could they be making your life more complex?
Think about it.


Sometimes it’s hard, but we have to continue.

I know sometimes things can get hard. Relationships can be rough and working towards a goal can be daunting. Diets and workouts get monotonous. I am not talking about the tough times here, but the long boring stretches where we get complacent, bored, or just plain forget to care. Think about it. Relationships get hard […]


It’s hard to focus on the long term!

The article highlights the struggle many face between immediate responsibilities and long-term aspirations. While we all harbor dreams, the daily grind—paying bills, raising children, and working—often overshadows our ability to pursue those distant goals. The author acknowledges life’s busyness and emphasizes that progress can be made incrementally.