
July 4th, 2019

July 4, 2019

Happy Independence Day!

Happy July fourth America, our Independence Day. I am very proud to be an American!

On this day the United States people, Americans, decided to rule against tyranny. The rebellion was against high taxes that would feed a disconnected government to serve career politicians, royalty, that did not help the people in any way.

The government that taxed it, people, endlessly. That would impose high taxes and several taxes on everything that the Americans owned or would earn.

These taxes were on land and income. These taxes were on products that the Americans would buy. The taxes were high, and several taxes would be on each thing.

Like today, we have high taxes on our income, which the feds, states, and local all tax. We have 3 taxes on our income taken before we see one dime.

It’s like our property tax where the schools, county, and local governments take it or they take our land. There is no mercy.

It’s like whenever we buy anything, the government taxes everything we buy. They tax us for making money, they tax us for living in a home, and they tax us for spending money.

Yet, they never have enough, they always ask for more, and they are completely disconnected from our world.

In the days that the Americans fought for freedom, they fought against career politicians, royalty. The king was a career politician as was all of his advisors, starting at a very young age and knowing very little of what the common man goes through. This was part of the fuel that fed the revolution Americans wanted to be free.

Today, we have career politicians that become millionaires in office. They may have been politicians for over 20 years. Some of them started in their 20s and never had a real job outside of politics. How can they possibly understand what we go through?

If you think about it, America is in the same boat today. We pay high taxes on everything we earn, own, and spend. We serve politicians that are career politicians. How many have been in politics for more than 20 years? How many politicians serve their own interests regardless of what they tell us. Look at their actions, do they serve anyone who won’t get them reelected or rich? Of course not, we all know it’s true.

Some go from the House to the Senate. Some served in their local municipalities before moving to the state and the federal governments. We all think that they serve us, but the reality is, they serve themselves and whatever feed their career and wallet.

I love being an American, but as we watch out dynasty weaken due to very poor leadership throughout the Senate and House, we can only pray for the bad times to get better.

So many politicians try to turn us against big business, or a particular type of people or say that because a few bad people did something that all those people should suffer. I don’t’ believe that. We will always have good people and bad people. It’s been my experience that the good greatly outweighs the bad and that the bad gets way more publicity than the good.

I would like to be thankful that we live in a democracy, a capitalist democracy where anyone can succeed. Anyone can fail. I’ve failed, a lot! However, I was also able to bounce back from all of my mistakes. Even though the government keeps changing laws, adding taxes, and pushing us down, I feel we can all rise up.

However, someday, American people may push back harder than they expect. Let’s face it, Hillary did not expect President Trump to win. Why is that?

I believe Americans wanted to change so desperately that they had to vote. It made a difference then and we, the American people have the opportunity to make a difference again. Maybe in a different way.

We can all rise to become better than we were. That’s what makes this country so great. Why do so many people want to come to America? Because it is still the land of opportunity. It is still the country that everyone identifies with success. It is still the greatest country in the world! It’s a free country, how many other countries are truly free?

How many countries can promise you freedom of religion without persecution? How many countries can offer you to rise form being very poor to becoming very rich?

How many countries offer you success in spite of the government instead of because of the government?

The USA! That’s who!

On the other hand, you could go the other way. Sometimes no matter how hard you work; it just doesn’t happen. No one said it was guaranteed! It takes hard work, resiliency, and luck.

I guess America is getting fed up with royalty and entitlement that they see in today’s government. I hear it all the time. At some point, things have to change. 

Every American wants to succeed. Whether they were born here or migrated here, hopefully legally. There are millions of legal immigrants, I think we all should respect them because they want to become Americans! Let’s face it, they came here to live a better life. I truly believe all cultures can live together peacefully. 

I was born here, and I am so thankful I was. This land of opportunity has given me so much. But it also spoils me. I could sit back and take it easy, but that’s not how people get ahead, is it? We all have to work hard. We all have to pitch in. We all have to be creative and offer up new ideas. 

That is why America is the greatest country in the world!

GOD bless America!


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