
What are you paying for today?

What do you want? When was the last time you asked yourself that question?

We have so many subscription services today that it can get out of control. Did you notice that most hardware, like TVs, have become commodities and are way cheaper than they used to be?

Yet, today we pay a ton of money for services.

Hardware in general has become a commodity in almost everything. If you look around, hardware is much cheaper compared to 20 years ago. Meanwhile we have more subscriptions in our lives that we ever had. 

Don’t believe me? Think your about about subscriptions compared to 20 years ago.

  • 20 years ago you subscribed to Cable, a few magazines, a newspaper, maybe a DVD rental.
  • Today I would bet most of you pay for Amazon Prime and Netflix. More of you may pay for HBO Max, Disney, Kindle Unlimited, Audible, Hulu, and who knows what else.
  • What about services like Apple iTunes and storage, Google memory storage, maybe Microsoft Office or software, maybe even Turbotax or H&R block tax services.
  • What about your mobile device, do you pay Verizon, AT&T, or T-Mobile? Maybe Mint or Visible?
  • Many of you pay for internet service, whether it’s through a mobile carrier or Cable company.

All of this adds up, doesn’t it. We all have this baggage. It weighs us down because we are paying for so much in our lives that just keeps charging us.

What weighs you down? Let me ask you this, what is in your life that you don’t even think about that could be weighing you down. I mentioned the financial baggage here, but if you really look into your life, I would bet there is more than this pulling at you.

Maybe some friend that drains your energy or at work something is constantly dragging on you and holding you back

Maybe you and you spouse have some unresolved issues.

I would think that some quiet time, if you can get it, would help you reflect on what you really want out of life. Change is hard, but maybe necessary if you want to live a better life.

What do you want? What is the last time you asked yourself that?

Let’s break down some key points:

  1. Hardware as Commodities: Over the past two decades, hardware (such as TVs, computers, and smartphones) has become more affordable. This shift has made technology accessible to a wider audience.
  2. Rise of Subscriptions: Despite cheaper hardware, we now find ourselves subscribing to an array of services. Twenty years ago, our subscriptions were limited to cable TV, magazines, newspapers, and perhaps DVD rentals. Today, the landscape has expanded significantly.
  3. Subscription Overload: We now pay for services like Amazon Prime, Netflix, HBO Max, Disney, Kindle Unlimited, Audible, and more. Additionally, there are software subscriptions (like Microsoft Office), tax services (Turbotax or H&R Block), and mobile carriers (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Mint, Visible).
  4. Financial Baggage: All these subscriptions add up, creating a financial burden. We carry this “baggage” of recurring charges, which can weigh us down.
  5. Beyond Finances: The article also suggests that other aspects of life may be pulling us down. Perhaps draining friendships, work-related stress, or unresolved issues with a spouse contribute to this weight.
  6. Reflection and Change: The author encourages introspection. Taking quiet moments to reflect on what we truly want from life can lead to positive changes.

So, what do you want? When was the last time you asked yourself that question?

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