
Sometimes jobs don’t work out.

In the unpredictable world of work, we often trust our employers and work hard, hoping for recognition. However, circumstances can change rapidly, and companies prioritize their survival over employee loyalty. It’s essential to discern genuine colleagues from those who use us for their benefit. Let’s learn from experiences, prioritize our well-being, and recognize that work is a team effort—shared triumphs and failures alike


Sometimes it’s hard, but we have to continue.

I know sometimes things can get hard. Relationships can be rough and working towards a goal can be daunting. Diets and workouts get monotonous. I am not talking about the tough times here, but the long boring stretches where we get complacent, bored, or just plain forget to care. Think about it. Relationships get hard […]


It’s hard to focus on the long term!

The article highlights the struggle many face between immediate responsibilities and long-term aspirations. While we all harbor dreams, the daily grind—paying bills, raising children, and working—often overshadows our ability to pursue those distant goals. The author acknowledges life’s busyness and emphasizes that progress can be made incrementally.


Make yourself the Fool!

Be a little Silly today!


How do we measure self worth?

Self-worth is a deeply personal journey. While seeking input from people you trust, [spouses, spiritual friends, or close friends], remember that the final decision rests with you. Reflect on what truly matters to you! Think about your core values, resilience, and positive impact on others. Balancing family, work, and personal well-being isn’t easy, but prioritizing self-care isn’t selfish, it’s a life requirement.
Regret teaches us where we could have chosen differently; use those lessons to grow. Beyond finances, consider character, relationships, and the intangibles that make life meaningful. Your self-worth narrative is uniquely yours.


What are you paying for today?

What do you want? When was the last time you asked yourself that question?


Could AI be your new best friend?

AI has incredible potential, but its impact can be both positive and negative. The idea of AI partners is becoming more real, especially among young people influenced by social media. As online relationships become more common, there’s a growing concern about potential scams and exploitation, posing serious social and financial risks


Can Optimism help you live longer?

Let’s start focusing on the positive aspects of life, good health, loving relationships, and our stable jobs, while still being aware of the worries and uncertainties. Find your healthy balance. It’s natural to be concerned about loved ones and job security, but maintaining an optimistic outlook can be a source of strength and resilience.


Goal Focus Worksheet

Maybe if you use a worksheet, then your goal can be hit realistically.


How do you Focus?

Would an outline to help you focus help? Maybe this is oversimplified but I believe it can help. It’s helped me.